Haki Yetu is a human rights organization, founded in 2008 in Mombasa’s Bangladesh Slums. The organization, registered as a Charitable Trust, has offices in Mombasa (Star of the Sea Primary), Kilifi (Malindi) and Kwale. Haki Yetu’s core mandate is to amplify voices of the vulnerable and neglected members of the society, through legal representation, research and documentation, awareness creation, capacity building, and building strategic partnerships. Haki Yetu is currently working on four thematic areas: Land and Housing rights; Gender and Law; Governance and Accountability; and Cohesion and Transformation.
The organization has successfully defended and protected communities from eminent evictions in Mombasa including at Kibarani, Bangladesh, Vikobani, Owino-uhuru among other settlements through legal representation. Through gender and law programme, the organization has assisted many survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence get justice, with upto 4 convictions of perpetrators of gender violence recorded in 2022 alone. We have supported the strengthening of governance and accountability structures in Kilifi, Kwale and Mombasa, by supporting the development of public participation frameworks, advocating for open governance and access to information.
Haki Yetu is guided by the values of Humility, Accountability, Restorative Justice and Collaboration. For more, see https://hakiyetu.ke/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HakiYetuOrg